The Advantages of Colloidal Silver

      For thousands of years, silver has been renowned as a powerful germ-killer.Colloidal silver is made up of tiny, electrically charged silver ions that have been dissolved in distilled water. (maximum of 100 parts per million)


When an illness recurs, one of the few therapies we sometimes offer during a mineral balancing regimen is colloidal silver. Colloidal silver can aid in the treatment of viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections.Keep a vial of colloidal silver on hand for wounds, bruises, infections, and other emergencies.


For thousands of years, silver has been renowned as a powerful germ-killer. People used to place a silver coin in a pitcher of water before drinking it to help cleanse it. For hundreds of years, kings and queens ate their meals with "silverware" to help prevent illness. They ate from "silver platters" for the same reason, which was not merely to display their wealth.

For well over a century, the United States government has allowed the use of colloidal silver in humans and cattle. Antibiotics have mostly supplanted it in hospitalsand doctor's offices nowadays. While antibiotics might be useful, especially as a last option, they are far more toxic, expensive, and can cause additional issues such as diminishing digestive gut microflora.


These are many and include:

Low price When compared to antibiotics, it is quite safe. It is seldom resistant to bacteria and viruses. Non-allergenic. To the tissues, extremely mild or non-irritating. In fact, silver in this form promotes tissue repair.This is in sharp contrast to most antibiotics and other anti-infection medications, which are far more expensive, exceedingly hazardous in many situations, and frequently result in the creation of resistant bacteria and viruses.


Homemade Colloidal Silver – Making your own colloidal silver is not advised. This is potentially hazardous. There is no quality control over particle size or particle concentration. Purchasing a commercial product is totally safe, but do not make your own colloidal silver.


Colloidal silver can be applied in a variety of ways.Oral administration for systemic infections.Under the Skin Colloidal silver is a fantastic topical anti-infective agent. It is available in spray and cream forms to make skin application simpler. It can also be used in conjunction with zinc oxide ointment. For optimal benefits, consume it by mouth as well as apply it to your skin.It can be used to treat any type of skin illness.Ears The patient would lie down on a bed or couch, with the afflicted ear facing up. Apply a few drops to the affected ear. The individual would lie in this posture for at least 10 to 15 minutes while the beverage was absorbed.Inhalation It can be used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, and pleurisy by placing it in a spray bottle. By sniffing it up the nose, one might inhale it into the lungs and bronchial passages.To relieve a toothache,insert some in the mouth around an infected tooth and let it to soak in around the tooth. This is not a replacement for good dental care, but it can be useful in an emergency.Gargle You may also gargle it in your throat if you have a sore throat.


Colloidal silver does not need to be refrigerated and can keep for many years.Avoid storing it in direct sunlight. Also, keep it away from powerful magnetic fields, such as motors or other electrical equipment. This might cause the silver particles to lose their charge, resulting in the product being destroyed. If you see flakes of silver at the bottom of the bottle, it's time to replace it.


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