It's difficult to swallow bad breath.

       It's difficult to swallow bad breath.Let's face it: foul breath is difficult to swallow. We've all been trapped chatting to someone whose breath wasn't particularly nice, if not downright nasty.It can be one of those awkward social situations, similar to unpleasant body odor - should you say anything or just go as soon as possible?Bad breath on occasion Bad breath, or halitosis, can occur simply because we opted to indulge in a tin of canned tuna, or because we were in such a hurry to be somewhere.We come to work and realize we neglected to brush our teeth in the morning.Coffee breath is the worst! It's no wonder that store shelves are brimming with gum, mints,mouthwashes, and other anti-bad-breath items. However, the majority of these items are only temporary solutions.

       Acid reflux, eating strong-smelling foods like garlic and onion, or just being sick with a sore throat or respiratory infection are all reasons of occasional foul breath. These are all natural parts of existence. However, there is a significant difference between these types of reasons and having persistent halitosis. What causes persistent foul breath? Tooth decay, gum disease, or a coated tongue are all common causes of chronic foul breath. A buildup of hundreds of germs on the tongue, gums, and throat causes it.They dwell on the tongue, behind the gumline, and in pockets formed by gum disease between your gums and teeth.That kind of bacterium does not require light to survive.As a result, it burrows into the roots and can cause serious - and stinky - issues. YUK. ?? Dry mouth is another issue that can cause foul breath.

      Dry mouth can be caused by smoking, some drugs, and certain meals, such as coffee and alcohol. Dry mouth is caused by slowed saliva production, which occurs when there is insufficient saliva in the mouth to wash away bacteria, resulting in a buildup of food particles and bad bacteria that causes that terrible odor. That is why brushing and flossing are so crucial in controlling or eliminating bad breath.- to clear out all the bacteria-filled nooks in your mouth. To assist freshen "morning breath," drink plenty of water and swirl cool water around your mouth. Your mouth's tongue Tongue scraping using a tongue cleaner can also aid in the removal of food and bacteria from your tongue. These are available at our office, so please inquire the next time you come in for a checkup.

       Covering up persistent foul breath with a bottle of powerful mouthwash will only work in the short term. It will temporarily alleviate the odor, but it will not address the underlying source of the problem. In fact, mouthwashes containing alcohol can occasionally dry out your mouth and make matters worse.Medical conditions Chronic foul breath can be caused by a variety of underlying medical issues. Diabetes, renal problems, and lung infections can all produce foul breath.Consult your doctor if you feel your foul breath is caused by an underlying health problem. Dental hygiene If you suspect that your foul breath is the consequence of an oral hygiene problem, such as an infection in your mouth, we strongly advise you to contact Taylor Street Dental and schedule an appointment.Allowing gum disease and tooth decay to progress for too long may eventually lead to more significant health concerns.


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