Why Fructose Should Be Avoided

       Fructose is a simple sugar or monosaccharide present in a variety of fruits and vegetables.Fructose is also commercially manufactured, generally from corn. In the United States, it is commonly referred to as high-fructose corn syrup, or HFCS. This is a combination of fructose and glucose. In many situations, mercury is used in its manufacture, and it is stated that consuming HFCS will infect you with some mercury, however further study is required.Fructose is now prevalent in practically all soft beverages including soda pop. It is also commonly used as a sweetener in a variety of prepared foods.


       According to research, fructose consumption contributes to yeast overgrowth in the intestines, gout, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and obesity. It is also a contributor to glycation, which is linked to aging.Copper metabolism disruption

Dr. Paul Eck, the originator of nutritional balancing science, investigated fructose and discovered that it disrupted copper metabolism. Possible explanations include its influence on the adrenal glands, yin quality, or some other element of fructose metabolism in the body.

The Cancer Connection Any agent that disrupts copper metabolism and energy generation while favoring yeast and fungal growth will likely to encourage trophoblast development. This is a primordial cell type that has been linked to cancer in the body.Fructose is an extremely yin chemical. In Chinese medicine, yin refers to a physical property. It implies frigid and expansive, and is frequently connected with disease nowadays.Fructose appears to be more yin than dextrose (typically derived from sugar cane or sugar beets), maltose (milk sugar), and other common sugars. This might be one of the reasons why fructose is potentiallymore hazardous than other sugars.

Excess yin is now linked to a variety of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, other blood sugar abnormalities, obesity, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, and others.Fructose appears to disrupt the neurological system in a variety of ways. This is most likely owing to the aforementioned factors. That is, it is too yin, it disrupts the glandular system, and it also upsets the body's sugar-handling process.


       There are far too many to mention.Hypoglycemia, diabetes, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, and arteriosclerosis are among the most serious. Heart disease, weariness, adrenal exhaustion, skin, hair, and nail issues, varicose veins, and other disorders are also common.Fructose, coupled with chlorine and fluoride in water, wheat refining into white flour, rice refining into white rice, and general dietary deterioration may be regarded a primary source of current ailments in our modern world.


       The simplest strategy to avoid fructose is to avoid consuming most fruits, honey, and syrups such as rice syrup, barley malt, and barley syrup. Also, because high-fructose corn syrup is currently the cheapest and most extensively used sweetener, one should avoid all sweetened beverages and meals.Most baked goods, sodas, fruit juices, vegetable juices, sports drinks, protein drinks and powders, snack bars, prepared soups, even vitamin tablets and lozenges, and literally hundreds of other typical supermarket and health food store products are among the most prevalent sources.


       Unfortunately, everyone who consumes a lot of fruit, that is, some fruit every day or so, consumes a lot of fructose. This is only one of the negative elements of eating fruit, and it is one of the reasons why eating fruit is not suggested on nutritional balancing regimens.

Also, someone who consumes a lot of fruit is not receiving the proper mineral balance. In our experience, this is a lethal combo. This is why the popular recommendation to "eat more fruits and veggies" is not nutritionally sound. Better suggestion is to skip fruit entirely and eat a lot more cooked veggies, rather than raw ones, because humans can not digest raw vegetables well enough to get most of the nutrients.


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